Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Don't anger the sun spot

This past week has been full of pleasant experiences (feel the sarcasm) . . . between the dermatology appointment, OB appointment, and our warm-fuzzy buyer-seller experience, I am ready to pull out my hair! First, though, a look at our house . . . the siding is up! I am really impressed with the progress being made, and I just hope it continues. My parents are meeting with the builder tomorrow to do the pre-drywall conference, and we should hear about a closing date then. (Cross your fingers for end of August/beginning of Sept!)

So, back to my dermatology appt . . . I had/have this sun spot on my nose that has become larger/darker with the pregnancy, and I just wanted it checked it out. The dermatologist felt that although benign, it required some liquid nitrogen to burn it off. Yes, folks, the sun spot was angered! Boy did that thing hurt, and then turn black! I can't tell you how many people this week have commented about the big black mark on my nose. Ughh! (and just in time for Matt's graduation this weekend) In addition to the liquid nitrogen treatment, the dermatologist found a suspicious looking mole on my back, and decided to do a "shaving" biopsy. He scraped off most of the mole (all but a small outer edge) . . . and why he couldn't have just taken the whole thing is beyond me! Just so he can do another procedure on me if the specimen comes back as questionable. And, let me say, this has been a throbbing sore spot on my back for a week now!
Anyone watch Friends? The episode where Ross goes to the herbal guru to have a suspicious looking skin lesion removed from his rear end . . . the guru puts some potion on it, and Ross screams in pain. The guru says, "Oh! Definitely NOT the way to go! We appeared to have angered it!" Then he goes on to tell Ross that, really, the lesion just needs "La-uve!" Anyway, it reminded me of my own experience this week . . . not enough la-uve I guess.
My OB appt went well yesterday . . . and Matt was able to go with me. I am starting to dread the scale - it is not my friend! Everytime I get on the darned thing, my weight has increased. I probably shouldn't admit such a thing on the internet, but I have gained an alarming 45 lbs. Yes, folks, I have officially surpassed Matt's weight. (feeling good about myself - nice and attractive!) My swelling is only getting worse (thanks to this hot and humid Louisiana climate). On the bright side, the baby seems to be doing really good - good strong heart beat and moving around A LOT! His head is very low in my pelvis, and I am already 1 cm dilated (which the doctor was excited about). My stomach is huge, and I can't see past my belly button when I'm standing up. This makes it very hard to pee in a little cup at the doctor's office, and yesterday I accidentally spilled half the cup of urine on myself. Pleasant!
And finally, the selling of our condo here in Louisiana . . . definitely frustrating! We received another low-ball offer last night (after dropping our price from $199k to $192.9k). So disappointing! We countered back, meeting the potential buyer more than halfway, and he has now re-countered with an offer only slightly up from the original. I am so disheartened, and mad! We really need to sell this place to avoid a double mortgage (the worse case scenario), but his offer would make things so tight (financially) for us. I just don't understand . . . we made such a large concession with our counter offer, and I feel like he is being rude to split hairs like this! Not to mention, he hasn't even applied for a mortgage yet. We had already turned down an all-cash offer for the same amount, and now we aren't even guaranteed that he will be able to buy it. I am so frustrated and overwhelmed with the whole situation! So I just told Matt to handle it, and I think he is going to agree to this low ball offer. Matt is just ready to be done with it all.
We'll post again after this weekend . . . we have company (Matt's parents, sister & brother-in-law, my parents and sister) in town for Matt's graduation. We are going to dinner at Dante's Kitchen on Friday night. Saturday night is the graduation ceremony at the oh-so-fancy Windsor Court Hotel. I will post pictures next week of the festivities.

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