I guess we should expect hurricanes in NOLA, but the thought of evacuating again is a bit depressing. I've already heard many NOLA residents on the news saying that they aren't going to evacuate again . . . which could spell big trouble for the city. The path could still shift around a lot . . . so lets hope and pray for the best!
Matt, Frankie and I returned last night from NC . . . about a 12 hr drive. The traffic was good until we reached NOLA. Frankie was bad until we drugged her again. At least we're getting practice with evacuating.
Not much damage here . . . lots of fallen limbs and debris, broken fences, and trash on the sides of the roads. No flooding, and we had power when we got home last night. Food is a different story . . . Matt had to go to 3 places before he found food for dinner. The only thing available at the place he went was "the box" . . . four pieces of (fried) chicken, french fries and a piece of butter soaked bread. Very healthy for sure! Oh well, at least we got to eat.
Pictures from the evacuation to my parents . . .
Frankie sitting on Matt's suitcase . . . ready to go back to NOLA I guess . . .
Matt had fun in Gastonia. He and my dad went to the shooting range on Monday, and then Matt returned the next day by himself . . . shoot em' up Matt (Notice his very daper 'shooting' attire . . . he was the only one dressed in Polo)
In my parents' dining room . . .
Frankie loved my parents' screened-in porch . . . here she is rolling around on the porch